The Ministry of Energy, Mining, and Mineral Resources, the National Electricity Market Operator (MEMO DOOEL Skopje), and the Public Procurement Bureau organized an event highlighting the benefits of the Macedonian power exchange. The focus was on future joint activities between the three institutions to enhance the Macedonian electricity market.

At the event, the importance of institutions and companies adopting standardized tendering rules during the procurement process for electricity was emphasized. This would allow electricity supply contracts to be indexed based on the MEMO Day-Ahead Market (DAM) Index. Previously, in the absence of a domestic electricity exchange, indexing was based on foreign power exchanges.

Sanja Bozhinovska, Minister of Energy, Mining, and Mineral Resources, stated that the benefits of indexing electricity prices according to the domestic exchange are significant. She emphasized that the Macedonian power exchange offers competitive pricing that is aligned with the actual electricity supply and demand in the country.

“It is crucial for institutions and companies procuring electricity for their own needs to utilize the opportunities provided by the domestic power exchange. Applying standardized tendering rules to index electricity supply contracts in line with the MEMO Day-Ahead Market (DAM) Index is essential. Strengthening the Macedonian power exchange is key to our energy sector, not only by ensuring fair and competitive prices but also by enhancing our energy independence,” Bozhinovska stated.

The event was attended by representatives from key stakeholders in the energy sector, government institutions, private companies, business chambers, and municipalities.

Mare Bogeva Micovska, Director of the Public Procurement Bureau, emphasized that the introduction of standardized tender documentation would reduce errors and inconsistencies in public procurement processes for electricity.

“The application of standardized tender documentation for electricity procurement will increase efficiency in the procurement processes, leading to greater savings of public funds,” Bogeva Mitsovska stated. She added that the Public Procurement Bureau remains a reliable partner to market participants, fulfilling its mission and objectives.

Zoran Gjorgjievski, CEO of the National Electricity Market Operator (MEMO), presented the achievements of the Macedonian power exchange, which currently hosts 37 participants trading daily. He highlighted the importance of using electricity price data from the domestic exchange in public procurement processes.

“The domestic electricity exchange has provided secure and relevant hourly prices for almost two years. The price signal from the day-ahead market operated by MEMO is a crucial indicator for the efficient functioning of our country’s electricity sector. This signal reflects the real supply and demand conditions for electricity and plays an essential role in decision-making for all market participants, including electricity-consuming companies,” Gjorgjievski said.

Gjorgjievski also outlined MEMO’s plans and activities, including the introduction of the euro as the trading currency in the first quarter of this year, market coupling with neighboring and EU power exchanges, the development of an intraday market, and the issuance of Guarantees of Origin (GOs) from renewable energy sources.


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